Olympic Committee Street
Basra, Iraq.

Sustainable development

MAT implements a number of sustainable development policies in favour of the communities living close to our operational sites.

Our management methods are designed to acknowledge the environmental impact of our activities, to assess this impact and to reduce it. Environmental management is part of our sustainable development approach.

We promote recruitment from the communities living close to our operational sites in order to improve their daily lives, provide training and offering them a lucrative and stable job.

BRG supports local agricultural production by developing partnerships with local suppliers and by creating cooperatives with local farmers. Several hundred local agricultural cooperatives are included in the BRG value chain: more than 92% of purchases are made locally for all available products.

In all of its subsidiaries, CIS is involved in initiatives to improve the daily lives of children and families belonging to the local community.

BRG has introduced composting on many of its operational sites. Waste is destroyed and reused to fertilise the soil for new crops (cabbage, peppers, etc.), thus providing a substitute for chemical fertilisers.

Our teams are in the process of rendering on-site QHSE inspections paperless by introducing electronic archiving solutions for QHSE data, temperature, health and other controls. This will ensure high-quality monitoring and facilitate reporting.